About us and what we do:

AgRMS is a collaboration of agricultural research experts from around the world who understand agriculture and agricultural research.

Our experts, manage research programs, undertake research, advise industry associations and government, act as advocates for farming, work in agricultural communities and much more.

Everything we do is designed to make your research and education programs more effective.

What we do:
Research and Education Strategy building
Research Program design, development and management
Grant application advice and writing
Research Project design and management
Extension and education services, design and delivery
Program and Project Evaluation
Standards development, certification and audit services
Event management, design and running: conferences, workshops, specialty days and field days
Farmer group development and management

What we don’t do:
We don’t charge massive overheads. When you partner with AgRMS you’re partnering with our associates around the world who work independently.
So when you work with AgRMS you can rest assured that you are paying for what you get and not supporting the overheads of some distant corporate structure.

We don’t give technical, agronomic or veterinary advice. We’re not technocrats but through us you become connected to a huge network of agricultural technicians, academics, academic institutions, researchers and industry opinion leaders across the world.
So if you do need technical advice or an opinion we can usually point you at someone who can help.

Click here to see what we do and how we do it.
  © AgRMS 2009