Events planning & management: Events come in all shapes and sizes from large conferences (>400 attendees) to important meetings between just a handful of participants and AgRMS have managed them all and everything in between – including golf tournaments!
All events cost time and money and its therefore important to get the best out of your event no matter how big or how small.

Conferences: AgRMS offers total conference management service covering every facet from inception through to exit surveys. We plan the theme, presentations and style. We book venues, speakers, catering and entertainment. We undertake registrations (electronic and manual), promotion, printing (invites, promotions, proceedings, menus, sponsors signs etc). We seek sponsors, donations and target audience and we arrange the audiovisual systems – a vital component of any conference.

Workshops: It doesn’t matter to us, classroom, paddock, field, barn, premises visit, on-line – extension, education, tech transfer, knowledge transfer, difficult conversations or simply information, we improve the effectiveness of all types of workshop. We’ll help you identify your target audience, promote to them and manage their attendance. We find sponsors, presenters and present, we moderate open forums or facilitate invited groups to achieve predetermined objectives. We use mind-mapping, fore-sighting, strategy building and other proven methods to achieve results. We source and book suitable venues and organize seating and catering. We supply workshop stationery and organize audiovisuals.

Effective Meeting Management:
A practical service for newly formed groups and/or restructuring groups or groups needing help with meeting effectiveness. Not only do we offer to plan and run meetings for you, we train you as we go so that you can take over whenever you’re ready. We offer a full range of secretarial services for meetings including minute taking and distribution, effective agenda development and the keeping of minute books. We supply standard board meeting agendas for new groups and customized agendas for particular needs.

Difficult meetings: Sometimes you need a third party at meetings. We offer a support service at meetings where a third party is required, where dispute resolution is needed or difficult conversations require facilitation.

Evaluation services: Whether it’s for workshops, meetings or conferences it’s important to know whether or not you’re event has been effective. AgRMS provides a comprehensive impartial assessment of the effectiveness of the event you just ran and provide tips for creating better events.
  © AgRMS 2009