Certification Services

With a strong background in certification and compliance, AgRMS associates offer a broad range of certification and audit related services

Standards Development & Review:
AgRMS has expertise in Standards Development for a number of industries including, international market standards for the beef industry, quality standards for the egg industry, certification standards for national organic certification organizations and federal government standards organizations. AgRMS associates have authored environmental codes of practice for agricultural industries in Australia and livestock housing standards. AgRMS associates include trained auditors (ISO 9000 and 14000 range). AgRMS undertakes comprehensive reviews of existing standards for applicability, practicality and defensibility.

System development:
Our extensive reach into certification services makes us the ideal partner to help you develop workable and credible, accreditation systems for your business or industry. AgRMS has developed a number of accreditation systems including; BeefCare™, EggCare™, Private label Organic certification (IFOAM, ISO 9002, USDA and JAZ accredited), National Free Range Poultry standards and many more.
The hallmark of AgRMS accreditation systems is that they are tough (for credibility) but achievable through good management – in fact farmers comment on how by working to an AgRMS developed accreditation system they gained a sense of accomplishment which helped improve their farm practices leading to greater levels of satisfaction.

System Evaluation: Its good practice to have your accreditation system evaluated and verified by a third party from time to time. With our depth of knowledge of common agricultural certification/accreditation systems we’re in a position to undertake a third party evaluation of your system and issue a comprehensive report detailing strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for improvement, practical steps that will increase the efficacy and credibility of your program.

Audit Services – Contract 3rd party:
Many AgRMS associates are certified auditors of different systems. If you’re looking for audit services we can match your needs through our database of skilled professionals.
  © AgRMS 2009